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Using Short Form Video in 2024

The average consumer faces a deluge of content every day, so it’s no surprise that attention spans are getting shorter. Videos under ten minutes used to be considered short, but the trend in 2024 is to use much shorter videos as part of an effective digital marketing strategy. Short-form videos are those that are 60 seconds or less. 

Marketers have different opinions on the ideal length for marketing videos. More than one-third of marketers believe the most effective videos last one to three minutes. Some prefer videos that are a bit longer.

Videos have the ability to grab attention much more quickly than other forms of content, and short-form videos are great for social sharing because they’re brief. When you provide a rich and engaging experience in your short-form videos, it’s hard for viewers to ignore. When you repeat brand elements in short videos, you’re strengthening brand awareness and recall.

Obtain the Highest Return on Investment

When your audience is looking for content they can consume quickly that provides useful information, short-form videos deliver. Many marketers report that they have the maximum return on investment (ROI) from short-form videos than any other form of content. Short-form videos are typically viewed as much as ten times more than longer videos.

Marketing trends for 2024 reveal that a large number of marketers who aren’t currently using these videos as part of their marketing strategy are planning to start in 2024. Those already using this form of marketing expect to invest more in short-form video marketing and TikTok.

Short-form videos are known for their entertainment value. The videos you create should be geared to your target market. Pay attention to trends and challenges and adapt your videos to be consistent with your brand.

Planning Your Short Form Video Content Strategy

Define the goals you want to obtain such as increasing engagement on a specific platform by 20 percent. Spend time gathering data on your audience using Facebook Insights, Google Analytics, etc. Gather additional information through messages, feedback and reviews.

Your research should include looking into your competitors and their content strategy making note of what’s working for them and what’s falling short. Pay attention to Google Trends and trends on different platforms such as YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels and TikTok.

Use a content calendar to plan your video content, including what you’ll post and how often. Define themes and categories and reinforce your brand image by using variety. Try to evoke emotions in your videos such as curiosity and humor. Consistent posting is imperative to keep your audience engaged.

Each platform has its own style, so for best results, design your videos to fit each individual platform. If you’re posting on TikTok, your videos should be light and fun. For YouTube Shorts, use eye-catching thumbnails and quality production. Use smart hashtags and short captions when posting on Instagram Reels. Promote your videos on your blog and in your newsletter and engage with those who comment.

Reach out to Softline Solutions for more expert tips on growing your online presence and your business.
