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How can Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media assist my business in its publicity campaign?

Facebook, that social media phenomenon turns 10 years old in February 2014. It has over 125,000,000,000 members (ONE AND A QUARTER BILLION). That on its own is an incredible number of people, about the population of China and more than the population of India. But what is more important is that more than half that… Continue reading How can Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media assist my business in its publicity campaign?

6 Rules of Social Networking To Expand Your Brand and Build Relationships

Social networking websites have a lot of potential. Even as an SEO company, social media marketing still takes the forefront in a lot of our online marketing campaigns. When you are using social networking websites, it’s important to follow some simple rules and guidelines. Below, you will find the top rules of social networking, which… Continue reading 6 Rules of Social Networking To Expand Your Brand and Build Relationships

Engaging Blog Posts Can Make Your Website Successful – Utilize Their Full Potential!

Writing high quality, engaging blog posts for your website is a great way to build your brand, improve your search engine rankings, and get recognized. However, we encounter small businesses on a regular basis that are under utilizing their blog and not doing enough to get their posts at the top of the search engines.… Continue reading Engaging Blog Posts Can Make Your Website Successful – Utilize Their Full Potential!

Which Online Marketing Investment Is Better for Your Business (SEO – PPC – SMM)

When it comes to online marketing, it can seem like there are dozens of directions that you could take your website. There are all of these fancy words like SEO, PPC and SMM that are just thrown about casually by marketing companies. If you’re not familiar with these different types of online marketing methods, then… Continue reading Which Online Marketing Investment Is Better for Your Business (SEO – PPC – SMM)

Google Removes Mashable, Sesame Street & Other Prominent Accounts From Google Plus

  Some of the biggest company/brand accounts on Google+ have now — finally, some might say — been removed. The Google Plus pages for Mashable, Ford and Sesame Streetare all gone. Our own Search Engine Land page has also been removed. Mashable was, according to, the No. 4 most popular account on Google+ with more than 103,000 followers. All of those… Continue reading Google Removes Mashable, Sesame Street & Other Prominent Accounts From Google Plus

What is StumbleUpon?

Picture yourself surfing in the Pacific Ocean.  Your first step was to get into the water with your surfboard and paddle or kick your way far enough that you could catch a gnarly wave.  But what if you could just start surfing without all that paddling?  That’s what StumbleUpon is.  It’s a brilliant website that… Continue reading What is StumbleUpon?

Blogging 101

Are you a business owner? Have you been hearing all about Social Media? Did you know that blogging for your business is a great way to generate leads, build your brand and convert new customers? This week Softline Solutions is excited to present a series designed to help you get your business blog started and… Continue reading Blogging 101

Starting with Design

Choosing the Blog Program When you are ready to get started with your new blog the first thing you have to do is figure out what blogging program to use and where to put it. There are a few options to consider before getting started with your new blog. One option is that you can… Continue reading Starting with Design

What to Blog About

The greatest frustration for most people is figuring out what to write about. Obviously it is easy to write up a blog if you are familiar with the topic and especially if you are passionate about it. The challenge with business blogging is that people get caught up thinking they are supposed to be blogging… Continue reading What to Blog About