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3 Things You May Not Know About Local SEO

If you have done in the amount of local search engine optimization, then you likely already know that local search engine optimization is very different from typical search engine optimization. To start, there are a number of factors that are taken into consideration when ranking a website for local keywords, that would not be considered… Continue reading 3 Things You May Not Know About Local SEO

The Best Chrome Extensions and Plugins For Online Marketers

With the release of Google Chrome, the Web browser has continued to garner a larger user base, while Internet Explorer has watched its user base shrink considerably with the rise of both Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. One of the biggest draws to these browsers, is the fact that they allow for plug-ins or extensions… Continue reading The Best Chrome Extensions and Plugins For Online Marketers

Categorized as News, SEO

How To Leverage Question And Answer Sites For Massive SEO And Traffic Gains

As an SEO company, were constantly looking for websites in order to increase the traffic of our clients. There are very few websites out there where you can invest some time, and instantly get a return on investment. Yahoo Answers, Wiki Answers and other question and answer sites are prime examples of websites where you… Continue reading How To Leverage Question And Answer Sites For Massive SEO And Traffic Gains

Categorized as News, SEO

The Google Penguin Algorithm Update – How We Keep Our Clients Up To Date

As an SEO company, there is a huge responsibility for us to stay up-to-date with Google’s algorithm updates. The latest Google update was the Google Penguin update, which has caused a lot of controversy in the SEO world. Many websites were impacted by the algorithm change, some positively and thousands negatively. Thankfully, we keep our… Continue reading The Google Penguin Algorithm Update – How We Keep Our Clients Up To Date

Categorized as Featured, SEO

The Rise Of Visuals – Is Pinterest or Youtube Something Your Business Has Considered?

In the SEO world, there is a rise of visuals grabbing hold of Internet marketers. Today, websites like Pinterest and YouTube are becoming more popular than ever. As a business, have you ever considered these websites for your marketing campaigns? As an SEO company, we value these websites heavily and were constantly encouraging our clients… Continue reading The Rise Of Visuals – Is Pinterest or Youtube Something Your Business Has Considered?

How to Improve Your Google Maps Search Rankings

Improving your Google Maps search rankings is a great way to attract quality sales leads. Recent studies show that close to 90 percent of shoppers consider the internet an invaluable tool for finding shops and services. A good online presence thus becomes critical for business success. Why Go Local? In recent years, there has been… Continue reading How to Improve Your Google Maps Search Rankings

Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Search Engine Marketing

With the recent rise in mobile search engine traffic, many websites are scrambling to optimize their websites for mobile search engines, and for good reason, because this traffic presents a substantial potential for profit for these companies. There are many steps that you can take optimize your website for mobile search engines, many of which… Continue reading Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Search Engine Marketing

Local SEO – A Great Tool for Small Businesses

Local SEO techniques can be a great help to small and medium-sized businesses. Unlike regular search engine optimization, local SEO focuses more on local search listings, which potential customers will use to find businesses and services in their area. What Do You Mean By Local SEO? Local SEO refers to search engine optimization techniques specifically… Continue reading Local SEO – A Great Tool for Small Businesses