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Digital Marketing for the New Decade: 10 Tips for Digital Marketing in 2020

Technology continues to change and evolve at an amazingly rapid pace. Learning new techniques and technologies may feel like a juggling act at times as you try to pay attention to changing Facebook and Google algorithms, along with changes in PPC, marketing automation and SEO strategies. For your digital marketing campaign to remain effective in… Continue reading Digital Marketing for the New Decade: 10 Tips for Digital Marketing in 2020

Website Speed Optimization: How to Improve Your Site’s Speed

Quality, digestible content that provides value to the reader. High-resolution images that immediately grab consumer attention. Easy navigation and checkout processes. Great deals and specials. These are among the factors making up fantastic websites that appeal to their target markets and rank highly on Google, but what about site speed? The speed at which your… Continue reading Website Speed Optimization: How to Improve Your Site’s Speed

What Is Local SEO & Why It’s So Critical For Local Businesses

Local SEO is one part of the bigger search optimization picture. It is applicable to almost any local business in a town or city that is looking to expand its reach and quite literally put itself on the map. Whether you own a restaurant, clothing boutique, or specialty store within your community, take a minute… Continue reading What Is Local SEO & Why It’s So Critical For Local Businesses

Google vs. Facebook Marketing Pros & Cons

When it comes to online marketing, there are two options that stand out: Google AdWords and Facebook. Each offers distinct advantages and disadvantages, which is why it’s a good idea to use both in your marketing strategy if your budget allows for it. Should your budget only allow for one, use the following information to… Continue reading Google vs. Facebook Marketing Pros & Cons

Online Marketing Goals Defined

Identifying and fine-tuning your online marketing goals is essential to a digital marketing strategy. Lead generation, a strong e-commerce platform, and a solid brand are among many businesses’ top online marketing goals, as the three typically combine to develop a viable long-term approach. Let’s dive into these three components of a comprehensive online marketing strategy… Continue reading Online Marketing Goals Defined

Retargeting Through Google: The Myriad Advantages

Retargeting is actually a very simple concept: marketing your products or services to consumers who have already visited your site but who left without buying anything. It is an umbrella term encompassing several tactics, including site, email, and SEO retargeting, all of which contribute to more site traffic, conversions, revenue, and brand awareness. Let’s dive… Continue reading Retargeting Through Google: The Myriad Advantages

Top 10 Digital Marketing Tips For 2019

In the modern world of digital marketing, the competition for consumer engagement is more intense than ever. Both search engine and social media marketing offer a variety of strengths as well as a few weaknesses you must be aware of to maximize your advertising strategy and subsequently enjoy more website traffic, conversions, brand awareness, and… Continue reading Top 10 Digital Marketing Tips For 2019

All About Attribution: Defining Google’s Conversion Tracking Types

If you implemented Google AdWords some time ago and are still not seeing the results you want, don’t panic. There are plenty of small changes you can make. One of those changes is AdWords Conversion Tracking so you can easily track your ads to determine how they are benefitting you (or not). Let’s look at… Continue reading All About Attribution: Defining Google’s Conversion Tracking Types

Beyond Search: Additional Google Marketing Campaign Types

Paid search remains a fantastic way to bolster your Google marketing campaign efforts, but it is still one piece of the bigger search engine pie. There are many other outstanding ways to improve your latest campaign so you attract more website traffic, conversions, revenue, and general brand awareness. Read on for tips on additional Google… Continue reading Beyond Search: Additional Google Marketing Campaign Types

The “A” In Advertising Should Stand For Art

Art in advertising is a beautiful thing, as it provides brands with the chance to show why they are awesome and different from their competition. Yet too many brands neglect the artistic aspect of digital advertising. They become so focused on keywords and search engine rankings that they forget about the foundation of good advertising:… Continue reading The “A” In Advertising Should Stand For Art