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Why Local SEO is Important For Small Business

If you’ve been advertising on the internet for any length of time, you’ve heard about SEO – Search Engine Optimization. What you may not know, though, is what SEO really means – especially for you. And not knowing could be the difference between moving your business forward or staying stagnant, or perhaps even moving backward.… Continue reading Why Local SEO is Important For Small Business

How Local SEO Can Boost Your Profits

The Internet has exponentially grown since its breakout period in the mid ’90s, and despite how advanced and social it is currently, this is only the tip of the iceberg. For businesspeople attempting to compete in an already competitive marketplace, developing an online presence and optimizing specifically for local search engine results won’t just be… Continue reading How Local SEO Can Boost Your Profits

Categorized as SEO

Local SEO Helps Small Businesses Get Noticed

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process whereby influencing the visibility of a website in search engine results. The practice of SEO allows owners of websites to position their site higher up on the search results list and appear more often in search engine results thus generating more traffic to their sites. In order… Continue reading Local SEO Helps Small Businesses Get Noticed

Using Local SEO To Boost Your Company’s Visibility

There is not much doubt that today’s small business owner must be up on social media to get ahead. With approximately 50% of American’s using smartphones now and the number increasing by about 7% every year, anyone who leaves social media out of their business plan is leaving money on the table. One of the… Continue reading Using Local SEO To Boost Your Company’s Visibility

How to do Quality Local SEO

By this time, nearly every business owner has learned at least something about Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. If you haven’t, it’s time to put your research hat on and get informed. Because the days of not using SEO to benefit your business with Internet marketing strategies are just about over, and in fact, you… Continue reading How to do Quality Local SEO

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Why Small Businesses Should Hire a Professional SEO Company to Handle Local SEO

Webmasters know that the only way you can successfully gain more market share and increase your revenues, especially for small businesses who have a local, physical presence, is to have your company’s website listed at the top of a search engine results page for particular keywords. However, they also know how difficult it is to… Continue reading Why Small Businesses Should Hire a Professional SEO Company to Handle Local SEO