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Using Google’s Maximize Conversions Bidding Strategy

Google Ads currently offers many automated bidding strategies. Maximize Conversions is one of the strategies in Smart Bidding that sets bids automatically to get the best results possible using your planned budget. It can factor in many different signals such as demographics, time of day, historical data and more. This can be a great way… Continue reading Using Google’s Maximize Conversions Bidding Strategy

KPI Diagnosis: Identifying the Cause of Change in Conversions

When reports show that key performance indicators (KPIs) aren’t meeting their targets, it’s important to be able to identify what happened and what can be done for improvement. Large changes to conversions can be very encouraging if they’re going up, but if they’re going down, there’s clearly a need for analysis and change in strategy.… Continue reading KPI Diagnosis: Identifying the Cause of Change in Conversions

How to Drive Paid Traffic That Converts

Paid traffic can be a great source of visitors to your website. If paid ads are properly optimized, you can begin getting visits the day you launch. Increased traffic alone isn’t enough unless it generates more leads and sales.  Paid traffic can come from several different sources including: Paid search engines such as Google and… Continue reading How to Drive Paid Traffic That Converts

Maximizing the Benefits of Smart Shopping Campaigns

In the world of PPC advertising, Google Smart Shopping is becoming a more and more popular tool. Driven by machine learning, Smart Shopping uses automated bidding and ad placements to promote your brand across networks. Many marketers are being urged to switch away from standard Google Shopping campaigns altogether and rely exclusively on Smart Shopping.… Continue reading Maximizing the Benefits of Smart Shopping Campaigns

Amazon Advertising: How It Works And Some Tips For Success

Advertising on Amazon is a relatively straightforward process with large benefits. If you are a small business owner interested in advertising on Amazon, take a moment to learn what the process involves and enjoy a few tips for increasing your visibility and marketing success. Setting Up Amazon provides three ad formats to accommodate different marketer… Continue reading Amazon Advertising: How It Works And Some Tips For Success

Pay Per Click the Smart Way: A List of Smart Google Ads Features

Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most powerful tactics in digital marketing, but it can also be complex and time-consuming. Using this marketing strategy gives you the opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience online. When PPC is working efficiently, the amount of money you invest in clicks is worth it, because a visit… Continue reading Pay Per Click the Smart Way: A List of Smart Google Ads Features

7 Signs Your Pay Per Click Campaigns Contain Wasteful Ad Spend

Pay-per-click advertising can be a powerful and effective way to market your business, but it can also be a competitive marketing strategy which can be tricky to master. The goal of paid advertising is low cost, high ad rankings and maximum return on investment. Mistakes or oversights in PPC can easily result in wasteful ad… Continue reading 7 Signs Your Pay Per Click Campaigns Contain Wasteful Ad Spend

SEM Tracking and Attribution Models

In today’s online marketing world, knowing what practices and techniques provide the most effective and long-term results is key in staying ahead of the competition. You can increase your return on investment (ROI) by implementing the right search engine marketing (SEM) strategy and selecting the best attribution model. Read on before discussing options with your… Continue reading SEM Tracking and Attribution Models

How Page Load Speed Affects Both UX and Marketing

The speed at which your visitors can access your content matters. In a world that’s becoming more and more fast-paced, website visitors are likely to click away from a site that doesn’t load in a matter of seconds. You can lose as many as half of your potential customers if the site takes too long… Continue reading How Page Load Speed Affects Both UX and Marketing

Features Being Removed by Google Adwords

Google Adwords is a form of pay-per-click advertising that offers an effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website. It’s a powerful and profitable tool, but to remain competitive, you need to stay on top of changes as they happen.  This year some features are being removed by Google Adwords, included removal of the… Continue reading Features Being Removed by Google Adwords