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Should You Hire a Digital Agency or an In-House Marketing Team?

If you don’t market your business, customers may not find you and may not be able to buy your product or service. To be competitive and build strong customer relationships, businesses can benefit from the help of expert marketers. Once you recognize that your business will benefit from marketing help, the next question is whether… Continue reading Should You Hire a Digital Agency or an In-House Marketing Team?

Why Corporate Brands Should Partner with Softline Solutions

We Know the Complexities of Building Brands Whether your company is just getting started building a brand from the ground up or you’re an established national enterprise brand, Softline Solutions can help. We can show you how to build a bridge between the product or service you have to offer and the audience you’re trying… Continue reading Why Corporate Brands Should Partner with Softline Solutions

5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Your Marketing

You and your team know your company better than anyone, but does that mean you should take care of marketing your business? Think about the many possible strategies that you could pursue to market your business along with the time and money you’d have to invest to master them. It’s not realistic that you can… Continue reading 5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Your Marketing

Slowing Google Clicks and Increasing CPC as America Reopens

The stay-at-home orders during the pandemic triggered dramatically increased online searches and demand for e-commerce products. Online advertisers are watching to see how consumers respond to growing vaccination rates and increased freedom to travel to brick-and-mortar stores. In recent weeks, many advertisers are starting to notice click declines compared to second quarter 2020, while at… Continue reading Slowing Google Clicks and Increasing CPC as America Reopens

Can Google Ads Drive Results on a Limited Budget?

Small business owners often have a marketing budget that is stretched pretty thin, and this is even more true because of the impact COVID has had. SMBs with low ad budgets don’t have to give up on paid advertising, and limited budgets don’t have to mean small returns.  How Does Google Ads Work? For SMBs… Continue reading Can Google Ads Drive Results on a Limited Budget?

What You Need to Know About Google Retiring tCPA and tROAS

Target ROAS and Target CPA are two of Google’s oldest automated bidding strategies and Google is about to retire them. When you choose your strategy for bidding in a marketing campaign, you’ll find that they’re being integrated into other bidding strategies. This change isn’t going to happen overnight. Even though the change will be gradual,… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Google Retiring tCPA and tROAS

Target CPA and Target ROAS Being Retired by Google

The one thing you can count on when it comes to PPC advertising is that things are always changing. In February, Google announced on their developer blog that they’re retiring Target ROAS and Target CPA bidding strategies. These strategies will no longer be separate from Maximize Conversions and Maximize Conversions Bid Value but will instead… Continue reading Target CPA and Target ROAS Being Retired by Google

Planning Digital Advertising Improvements in 2021

The global pandemic of 2020 caused economic volatility all over the world and impacted businesses big and small. Businesses in every vertical faced budget cuts and difficult decisions, some of which affected digital advertising. The beginning of 2021 represents a new year and a fresh start, but the pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding it aren’t… Continue reading Planning Digital Advertising Improvements in 2021

Should You Run PPC Brand Campaigns?

When prospects search for your brand, the search engine results page (SERP) displays both paid and organic search results. Ideally, your brand appears at the top of the organic search results for your brand name, but since paid search ads appear above organic search results, should your PPC strategy include bidding on branded terms? Bidding… Continue reading Should You Run PPC Brand Campaigns?

Harness the Power of Google Smart Bidding

As a busy digital marketer, you probably feel like there’s never enough time to do all that you want to do each day. At Softline Solutions, we recognize that automation is one of the best solutions to the challenges of time constraints. Google Smart Bidding is a powerful tool that should be leveraged to help… Continue reading Harness the Power of Google Smart Bidding