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What Softline Solutions Can Do For You

In today’s fast paced business world, standing out from the throng is necessary in order to succeed. The number one way to do this is through digital marketing and establishing an online presence. Softline Solutions is Southern California’s premier provider of digital marketing services and consulting, providing search engine optimization, social media, mobile marketing, and… Continue reading What Softline Solutions Can Do For You

Google Adwords targets your advertising to very specific potential clients

We have all heard of this wonderful tool available and being used by more and more people daily. We have further heard of the commercial explosion that is happening online and have seen how it has affected the way traditional business is done. Now a guy sitting in a small garage in the back end… Continue reading Google Adwords targets your advertising to very specific potential clients

What is PPC and Does It Really Work As They Say It Does?

There are many marketing tools out there today for those who are doing business online. Some of these tools are better than others. Some of these tools are more effective than others. One of the most useful and effective online marketing tools that businesses can turn to is PPC. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. This marketing… Continue reading What is PPC and Does It Really Work As They Say It Does?

PPC Campaign Strategies To Enhance Your Business’s Competetiveness, Visibility

Just like everything else, it is important to stay on top of the latest trends to make your business successful. When it comes to pay per click campaigns, several trends should not be ignore, to ensure that your business stays at the top. Whether or not you are just testing or considering a pay per… Continue reading PPC Campaign Strategies To Enhance Your Business’s Competetiveness, Visibility

Google Opens Up Call Tracking in Paid Search

This morning Google announced that its Call Metrics call-tracking capability is going to be generally available to all US and Canadian AdWords advertisers. Call Metrics is not to be confused with mobile Click to Call ads, though Call Metrics is available to Click to Call mobile advertisers as well.

Three Laws Of Display Advertising Physics – Google

f anyone’s in a position to write (or rewrite) the rules of advertising, it’s Google, the company that was founded in 1998 and now has a market cap of $197 billion.  Marketers may want to pay attention, then, as the search giant outlined three “laws of display advertising physics” this afternoon. There’s actually a lengthy… Continue reading Three Laws Of Display Advertising Physics – Google

U.S. Online Advertising Rises 11.3 Percent In First Half Of 2010

Eric Schonfeld of Techcrunch has a great article about advertising in the US and how its increased significantly in the  first half of this year.  During the first half of 2010, online advertising revenues were up 11.3 percent to $12.3 billion, according to a new report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau and PriceWaterhouseCoopers (embedded below). At… Continue reading U.S. Online Advertising Rises 11.3 Percent In First Half Of 2010

Recession Proof Marketing – Look Online to Grow Your Business

Its happening everywhere. Stocks are on the decline, earnings reports are bad, people are being laid off and this is all in big business. So your thinking to yourself how can I possibly weather this economic storm if I’m a small or medium size business without the huge resources of larger companies? What most news… Continue reading Recession Proof Marketing – Look Online to Grow Your Business

Search Engine Demographics – Why it matters to your business

Its commonplace in today’s internet age to for people to assume that all search engines, portals and internet directories essentially all do the same thing. While all of these services are designed to gather and present information to the end user the way the deliver results and how the get them are different. After all,… Continue reading Search Engine Demographics – Why it matters to your business