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Google’s Search Engine Results Page Loses Side Ads for Desktops

Have you noticed anything peculiar about your search engine results page (SERP) on Google lately? If you haven’t, don’t worry; serendipity has a strange sense of humor, and after reading this you probably won’t be able to un-see Google’s latest tweak. On Feb. 16, Google confirmed that it was losing the side ads on the… Continue reading Google’s Search Engine Results Page Loses Side Ads for Desktops

What you need to know about PPC and local SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, has many varied layers to it. Many people might think that it is limited to content and keywords – that those elements are all that are involved in getting to the top of the rankings for search engine results. While it is undeniably part of SEO and perhaps the lion’s… Continue reading What you need to know about PPC and local SEO

How to make PPC work for your local SEO strategy

If you’ve been looking at Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, and wondering what else you can do to generate more traffic for your website, you might want to think about trying Pay Per Click advertising. There are good points and bad points for Pay Per Click, or PPC, so doing some research into both is… Continue reading How to make PPC work for your local SEO strategy

Changing Scenario in PPC

What Is New In PPC Management? It will be certainly interesting to know because we all get so much bogged down by the technical thing that we forget the creative part. Yes, creative advertisement is what matters. This is especially evident in PPC advertising where you tend to ignore the attention of your potential customer.… Continue reading Changing Scenario in PPC

The Real Reason AdWords Isn’t Working For Many Small Businesses

If you are a small business owner, odds are you’ve either already tried Google Adwords and didn’t get the expected results or you’ve thought about trying it but have heard too many horror stories to take the plunge. Many studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of Google Adwords for small businesses and the majority… Continue reading The Real Reason AdWords Isn’t Working For Many Small Businesses

How to Control Your Advertising Budget and Increase Local SEO exposure with Adwords

Small businesses have often ignored the benefits of Adwords, which is a Pay per click advertising platform offered by Google, simply because they don’t understand how it works or how the use of such advertising campaigns can positively impact their businesses. Adwords works because it allows businesses to more accurately target their audience and create… Continue reading How to Control Your Advertising Budget and Increase Local SEO exposure with Adwords

How To Use Google AdWords For Better Local SEO Exposure

Companies of all shapes and sizes can use Google AdWords to help them increase their exposure and bring new customers to their doors. However, many small businesses aren’t aware that AdWords is as effective and cost effective for them as it is for large corporations. Believe it or not, AdWords is actually one of the… Continue reading How To Use Google AdWords For Better Local SEO Exposure

Why You Should Ad Adwords To Your Local SEO Strategy

When it comes to one of the most affordable and powerful marketing tools on the Internet for small business, Google Adwords is usually located somewhere at the top of the list. This keyword driven PPC campaign allows small businesses the ability to reach a large targeted audience for very little money. They key to a… Continue reading Why You Should Ad Adwords To Your Local SEO Strategy