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Should Your Business Spend the Time to Conduct Local SEO on Bing?

Everyone knows that when it comes to searching the Internet that Google is king, right? Well, 70% of the world’s Internet consuming population would agree with you. However, Google isn’t the only player in the search engine game. Believe it or not, there are times when using another search engine, like Bing, is the only… Continue reading Should Your Business Spend the Time to Conduct Local SEO on Bing?

Why Local SEO is Important For Small Business

If you’ve been advertising on the internet for any length of time, you’ve heard about SEO – Search Engine Optimization. What you may not know, though, is what SEO really means – especially for you. And not knowing could be the difference between moving your business forward or staying stagnant, or perhaps even moving backward.… Continue reading Why Local SEO is Important For Small Business

Should You Optimize your Google Places Listing?

When it comes to local SEO, most companies focus on optimizing their websites, adding listings to local business directories, creating quality back links, etc. However, there was a case study done regarding the effectiveness of optimizing Google Places listings conducted by a company called Milestone Insights. This study was done in an effort to determine… Continue reading Should You Optimize your Google Places Listing?

How Google Places Can Put Your Website on the Map and Increase Sales

There are several ways to market yourself and/or your business using the Internet. Each path you take can lead to a different result, or the separate paths can lead in the same direction and support each other with a similar query. One of these paths is Google Maps. Google Maps is arguably the predominate way… Continue reading How Google Places Can Put Your Website on the Map and Increase Sales