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Search Themes in Performance Max

Performance Max uses the power of AI to access all your goal inventory to form a single campaign. It can work with your keyword based search campaigns to improve your conversions, optimizing performance in real time using Smart Bidding. Google AI is used across creatives, budget optimization, bidding and more, empowered by your specific advertising… Continue reading Search Themes in Performance Max

Using Google Discovery to Improve YouTube Ad Campaign Results

Do you focus exclusively on video campaigns when planning YouTube advertising for your business? Video ad campaigns are more powerful than ever and Google Ads support video campaigns at each stage of the funnel. Google Ads Display and Discovery Ads are both image-based formats. If you’ve been overlooking Google Discovery, you may be missing opportunities… Continue reading Using Google Discovery to Improve YouTube Ad Campaign Results

Get More Traffic with These Google Ranking Factors

When people do a search on Google for a keyword, most of them click on the top-ranked site listed on the search engine results page. The first five listings get the bulk of traffic based on SEO, while sites that are lower than that don’t get as much traffic. Google’s algorithm takes certain factors into… Continue reading Get More Traffic with These Google Ranking Factors

Tips for Shifting to Google Responsive Search Ads

Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) are now the dominant ad format in Google Ad accounts. Starting June 30, Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) can’t be added or edited. Those already existing can continue to work alongside RSAs and you’ll still be able to see reports on their performance, but you’ll only be able to resume, remove or… Continue reading Tips for Shifting to Google Responsive Search Ads

Becoming More Visible with Your Google Business Profile

If you’re trying to attract a local clientele, you need to focus on becoming more visible to the right people in local search listings. Optimizing your Google Business Profile (GBP) can help make this happen and can help you to convert searchers looking for a local business in your industry into paying customers. Request Reviews… Continue reading Becoming More Visible with Your Google Business Profile

Preparing for the Sunset of Google’s Expanded Text Ads

Google has announced that as of June 30, 2022, marketers aren’t going to have the ability to create new expanded text ads (ETAs) or edit existing expanded text ads. You’ll still be able to stop and start the ETAs you have or remove them, and you’ll still see performance reports. But there’s an ongoing push… Continue reading Preparing for the Sunset of Google’s Expanded Text Ads

Why Link Google Ads Account to Search Console

Organic and paid search marketing are separate marketing strategies that work best when used together. Linking a Google Ads account to Search Console gives you a more complete picture of keywords and the value of paid versus organic terms. In a nutshell, it puts more useful data at your fingertips. This information can be very… Continue reading Why Link Google Ads Account to Search Console

AdSense is Moving to a First Price Auction Model

Google has announced that it’s moving AdSense from a second-price auction model to a first-price auction model by the end of the year, which brings it in line with their other ad offerings and makes it easier for Google to compete with other exchanges. These changes will happen automatically, so publishers and marketers don’t need… Continue reading AdSense is Moving to a First Price Auction Model

Facebook Ads for B2C Lead Generation

With a reach of over 2.8 billion users, Facebook has become an essential tool for reaching new audiences and for interacting with existing customers. Facebook lead ads are a great way to attract leads at the lowest cost and they provide a seamless user experience. They can also help with market research and customer feedback… Continue reading Facebook Ads for B2C Lead Generation