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Trends Gaining Momentum on Pinterest

Pinterest recently shared an overview of key trends that are gaining momentum on their platform. Last December, they published their report highlighting 30 trends they predicted would grow in 2021. The latest information they provided shows that they got 80 percent of their predictions right. Pinterest may not be the first platform you think of… Continue reading Trends Gaining Momentum on Pinterest

Should I Still Use Hashtags on My Instagram Account?

Hashtags on Instagram are still an effective way to get your posts found on Instagram. A hashtag is a word or short phrase with a pound (#) sign in front of it. They’re used on Instagram and other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to group posts by topics. On Instagram, they can be added… Continue reading Should I Still Use Hashtags on My Instagram Account?

5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Your Marketing

You and your team know your company better than anyone, but does that mean you should take care of marketing your business? Think about the many possible strategies that you could pursue to market your business along with the time and money you’d have to invest to master them. It’s not realistic that you can… Continue reading 5 Signs It’s Time to Outsource Your Marketing

3 Ad Copy Essentials

If your online ad copy isn’t delivering the results you want, you know you need to make changes, but it’s not always obvious what changes you should make. You might try small tweaks to wording and find that sometimes these changes make little or no difference while at other times, subtle changes end up making… Continue reading 3 Ad Copy Essentials

Maximizing the Benefits of Smart Shopping Campaigns

In the world of PPC advertising, Google Smart Shopping is becoming a more and more popular tool. Driven by machine learning, Smart Shopping uses automated bidding and ad placements to promote your brand across networks. Many marketers are being urged to switch away from standard Google Shopping campaigns altogether and rely exclusively on Smart Shopping.… Continue reading Maximizing the Benefits of Smart Shopping Campaigns

How Page Load Speed Affects Both UX and Marketing

The speed at which your visitors can access your content matters. In a world that’s becoming more and more fast-paced, website visitors are likely to click away from a site that doesn’t load in a matter of seconds. You can lose as many as half of your potential customers if the site takes too long… Continue reading How Page Load Speed Affects Both UX and Marketing

The Rise of Video Ads – Why Digital Advertising’s New King Is Here To Stay

Video advertising has quickly cemented itself in the marketing pantheon, and it’s no surprise why. Humans are visual creatures who love a compelling story, and video ads provide the opportunity to do just that: tell a story. If you have yet to harness the power of video marketing, here are 7 important reasons to add… Continue reading The Rise of Video Ads – Why Digital Advertising’s New King Is Here To Stay