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Sharing Pinterest Idea Pins

Pinterest is a social media platform where users explore and share visual content that they find useful or entertaining. Businesses can create a business account that can be used to build brand awareness and conversions. A business account on Pinterest allows access to useful tools such as a video search tool and Pinterest Analytics, and a business account on this platform can build a community by engaging and interacting with users who may become customers. 

A great way to maximize engagement is by using Idea Pins, an evolution of Story Pins. Similar to Stories options found in other apps, Idea Pins are a full-screen option for providing creative video content which can be used to share unique ideas and tutorials. Even though it’s not one of the largest social media platforms, with over 433 million monthly users, sharing content on Pinterest can help you to keep reaching new people and building your audience.

Sharing on Other Platforms

Recently Pinterest made it possible to download and share Idea Pins originally published on Pinterest to other platforms. Idea Pins are downloaded as a watermarked video that can be shared on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. This means your original Pinterest content can reach a wider audience both on and off Pinterest.

To take advantage of sharing Idea Pins on other apps, select the “IG Stories” or “FB Stories” icon in the share menu. This allows you to download content that’s customized to each app. These clips can also be uploaded to TikTok for an even greater reach.

A possible drawback to consider is that social media sites sometimes advise against posting content that is recycled from other platforms which means anything that contains logos or watermarks from other platforms. They also advise against reels that are blurry because of low resolution, those that are mostly covered by text or uploaded with a border around them. This type of content may incur a reach penalty which means it won’t be shown as often in the Reels tab to people who don’t yet follow you. In spite of the possibility of a reach penalty, Pinterest is worth exploring if your target audience may be found there.

Benefits of Posting on Pinterest

If you’re not currently leveraging Pinterest as part of your social media strategy, this is a platform that allows you to easily tell a visual story about your brand. Show your expertise in your industry by providing helpful instructional content. This can benefit your target audience while benefiting your business. Pinterest is a place that users who are nearly ready to make a purchase frequently turn to as an information resource. 

The best platform for your social media marketing strategy depends on your industry and where you’re most likely to find people that are in your target audience. Pinterest is one platform to consider, especially for eCommerce businesses. Having a social media marketing strategy that uses multiple platforms to promote content can be beneficial in growing your business. Softline Solutions can help you build a social media marketing strategy that grows your business and your online presence. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.
