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6 Rules of Social Networking To Expand Your Brand and Build Relationships

6 Rules for Social Media in 2013Social networking websites have a lot of potential. Even as an SEO company, social media marketing still takes the forefront in a lot of our online marketing campaigns. When you are using social networking websites, it’s important to follow some simple rules and guidelines. Below, you will find the top rules of social networking, which allows you to expand your brand and build relationships online.

1. Build relationships through interaction

Never be afraid to get involved on a social media website. If you are using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or even Pinterest, it’s time to get involved with your audience and start building relationships. Interaction is key to being successful on a social media website. Through relationship building, you can establish trust and authority in your industry. Your customers will also be able to connect with you on a personal level, since they will see the dedication that you have your business.

2. Participate and respond to comments

One of the ways that you can interact with your target audience is by participating and responding to their comments. If you notice that they mention your business or they talk about a subject related to your company, don’t be afraid to chime in and speak your mind. Getting out there and talking with your followers is important if you want to brand yourself and be successful.

3. Offer helpful resources

One of the best ways to get noticed on social media websites is to offer something helpful. This can be a discount, coupon, information, or an announcement. If you can provide something that your readers want to hear and gain access to, your social media presence can accelerate exponentially. Try to think of things that your business can launch on social media websites that will really gain traction and get recognized.

4. Update your profile regularly

Status updates allow you to update your profile and your followers will see these updates. If you can do this regularly, you will effectively get your message in front of more eyes in a quicker time frame. Update your status with the links to your blog posts, company announcements, and industry information.

5. Make your social media profile inviting

One of the biggest mistakes that a lot of companies make is they have a very dull and uninviting social media page. It may be that they just haven’t beefed up the page an often provided enough content in detail about their company. This is something that you can fix easily, be sure to complete your profile and make it look inviting for your audience.

6. Be honest and truthful

When you are releasing status updates and building relationships on social media networks, always be honest and truthful with the information that you are posting. You don’t want to mislead your followers are provide false information, this could come back to haunt you at a later date. You never know who’s listening, it’s important to speak your mind, but always provide relevant and honest information to your followers.
