Google made between 350 and 550 changes in its organic search algorithms in 2009. This is one of the reasons I recommend that site owners not get too fixated on specific ranking factors. If you tie construction of your site to any one perceived algorithm signal, you’re at the mercy of Google’s constant tweaks. These… Continue reading Google Confirms Mayday Update Impacts Long Tail Traffic
As the online world continues develop, now is a good time to step back and look at the major Internet Marketing Trends are going to be effecting your business this year. With this new year, and the start of another decade, expect change, expect innovation and expect new opportunities for your business. In order to… Continue reading Top 10 Marketing Trends for 2010
I wanted to repost the recent article from Matt McGee posted on Search Engine Land as I believe its very important and extremely relevant to our business. Recently we saw, as I am sure most online marketing companies did, a major change in Google’s Local Listings and what pulls a map up and what does… Continue reading Why SEO Companies and Web Design Firms no longer show up on the map in Google.
Advertising and promoting your local business online can seem like a daunting task. However, we have compiled a comprehensive and effective list of things you can do as a business owner to drive new customers online to your company. If you apply and focus on at least 25% of what is on this list, you… Continue reading 51 Ways to Promote Your Local Business Online | Local Online Marketing
We thought you would like to see how Google is changing. Recently we had a chance to experience some of the changes Google is implementing into is new user interface. We decided to do a short video walkthrough so you can see for yourself and share your thoughts. Want to test if for yourself? Follow… Continue reading New Google Interface Coming Soon- Exclusive Video Walk-Through
Starting a blog is one of the easiest ways you can start taking advantage of being found on the search engines. A blog about your business also helps you stay connected with your customers and it provides them valuable insight about your company. With that said one of most difficult part of starting a blog… Continue reading Start a Blog for Your Local Business
Softline Solutions ePowerPackage helps local businesses raise awareness and attract local customers during tough economic times. As a response to the current economic situation so many local businesses find themselves in, Softline Solutions founders, Rony and Hutch decided that rather than watching local businesses around them struggle and close, they would create a solution. Rony… Continue reading Help for Local Businesses
On October 3, 2009 Softline Solutions with over 500 supporters gathered in Verdugo Park, CA to help raise money for the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ABMDR). Attendees were also encouraged to register as bone marrow donors to help expand the registry?s list.’ The event was a success as the Armenian community gathered for a… Continue reading Softline Solutions Supports the Armenian Bone Marrow Donor Registry
Is your business taking advantage of social media marketing? Are you using the free tools available to you online to become a part of this new marketing sensation? Softline Solutions is officially launching a series of webinars that will cover topics that range from: What is Social Media? to How to use Twitter for Business.… Continue reading Social Media Marketing