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Mobile Marketing Can Add Lots of New Exposure Even to Small Businesses

Mobile marketing is quickly becoming the next big thing in marketing. Because mobile marketing is still relatively new to the world, there is a lot of confusion about what it is, how it works, and how to start a mobile marketing campaign into action. The good news is that with Softline Solutions, your company does… Continue reading Mobile Marketing Can Add Lots of New Exposure Even to Small Businesses

Social Media Marketing: Is It a Fad or Does It Really Work for Business?

Unless you have been living in a cave, you have no doubt heard of social media and how it is being used by some businesses as a marketing tool. While it may seem as if getting into social media marketing is a good idea for many businesses, most businesses do not know how to do… Continue reading Social Media Marketing: Is It a Fad or Does It Really Work for Business?

What is PPC and Does It Really Work As They Say It Does?

There are many marketing tools out there today for those who are doing business online. Some of these tools are better than others. Some of these tools are more effective than others. One of the most useful and effective online marketing tools that businesses can turn to is PPC. PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. This marketing… Continue reading What is PPC and Does It Really Work As They Say It Does?

Online Marketing trends to follow to ensure success in your campaign

The internet is vibrant and active, constantly changing and offering new challenges and opportunities for those capable and swift to take advantage. Think of each trend as a surfer regards a breaker. If he can catch the wave he can ride it all the way to the beach and perform the antics that get him… Continue reading Online Marketing trends to follow to ensure success in your campaign