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The Benefits of Hiring a Professional SEO Firm for Local SEO

One of the hottest methods for drawing lots of traffic to your website is great content. Those who have been in the business of Internet marketing have long known the benefits of quality content when it comes to helping their clients find their way to the tops of search engine pages. And now, with the… Continue reading The Benefits of Hiring a Professional SEO Firm for Local SEO

Things You Can Do To Maximize The Effectiveness of Your Google AdWords Campaign

Google AdWords has long been touted as one of the most cost effective ways to get the word out about your business. The idea is that your company is advertised to people who are looking for specific keywords in little boxes on any website that chooses to offers PPC ads on their websites. Your ads… Continue reading Things You Can Do To Maximize The Effectiveness of Your Google AdWords Campaign

Why Local SEO is Important For Small Business

If you’ve been advertising on the internet for any length of time, you’ve heard about SEO – Search Engine Optimization. What you may not know, though, is what SEO really means – especially for you. And not knowing could be the difference between moving your business forward or staying stagnant, or perhaps even moving backward.… Continue reading Why Local SEO is Important For Small Business

Should Your Business Spend the Time to Conduct Local SEO on Bing?

Everyone knows that when it comes to searching the Internet that Google is king, right? Well, 70% of the world’s Internet consuming population would agree with you. However, Google isn’t the only player in the search engine game. Believe it or not, there are times when using another search engine, like Bing, is the only… Continue reading Should Your Business Spend the Time to Conduct Local SEO on Bing?