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Local SEO is the way to go for businesses that rely on foot traffic

When it comes to marketing techniques, Local SEO is one that has been steadily increasing in popularity over the past few years. While the reasons for this are numerous, the main driver behind its growth is the growth in the use of smartphone and other mobile technology. When it comes to performing local SEO, many… Continue reading Local SEO is the way to go for businesses that rely on foot traffic

If You Aren’t Doing Local SEO, You Are Missing Out

Companies that want to get ahead recognize the vitally important role that internet marketing plays in their overall marketing strategy. Today’s bustling marketplace demands a broad and encompassing approach to reach every nook and cranny of their consumer base. Not doing so is leaving money on the table. Unfortunately, not all companies understand the importance… Continue reading If You Aren’t Doing Local SEO, You Are Missing Out

Why Your Content Choices For Your Website Are Important To Your Local SEO Efforts

One of the hottest methods for drawing lots of traffic to your website is great content. Those who have been in the business of Internet marketing have long known the benefits of quality content when it comes to helping their clients find their way to the tops of search engine pages. And now, with the… Continue reading Why Your Content Choices For Your Website Are Important To Your Local SEO Efforts