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How to Perform DIY Local SEO For Small Business

There are literally thousands of articles out there dedicated to the art of performing DIY local SEO. However, many of these articles include strategies that are either too complicated to complete on your own or simply aren’t effective. This article is designed to break down the process of local SEO and provide suggestions for easy… Continue reading How to Perform DIY Local SEO For Small Business

Why All Small Business Owners Should Be Doing Local SEO

With all of the different advertising mediums out there, how is a small business owner to know which ones will offer him or her the greatest benefit? The truth is that there really is no way of knowing. Marketing experts will tell you that a successful advertising campaign hinges on a number of factors, many… Continue reading Why All Small Business Owners Should Be Doing Local SEO

The Hidden Benefits of Google Places

Google Places is one of many valuable online marketing tools that Google offers to businesses of all sizes. However, many small businesses either aren’t aware of this very valuable marketing tool or aren’t using it effective to promote their business. Here are a few things that all small business owners need to know about Google… Continue reading The Hidden Benefits of Google Places

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Why You Should Ad Adwords To Your Local SEO Strategy

When it comes to one of the most affordable and powerful marketing tools on the Internet for small business, Google Adwords is usually located somewhere at the top of the list. This keyword driven PPC campaign allows small businesses the ability to reach a large targeted audience for very little money. They key to a… Continue reading Why You Should Ad Adwords To Your Local SEO Strategy

The Hidden Benefits of Google Places

Google Places is one of many valuable online marketing tools that Google offers to businesses of all sizes. However, many small businesses either aren’t aware of this very valuable marketing tool or aren’t using it effective to promote their business. Here are a few things that all small business owners need to know about Google… Continue reading The Hidden Benefits of Google Places

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How to Control Your Advertising Budget and Increase Local SEO exposure with Adwords

Small businesses have often ignored the benefits of Adwords, which is a Pay per click advertising platform offered by Google, simply because they don’t understand how it works or how the use of such advertising campaigns can positively impact their businesses. Adwords works because it allows businesses to more accurately target their audience and create… Continue reading How to Control Your Advertising Budget and Increase Local SEO exposure with Adwords

How You Can Add Instagram To Your Company’s Social Media Strategy

Are you looking for a new way to capture the attention of potential new customers using social media? If so, Instagram might have the answer for you. Everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words, but did you know that a video is worth a thousand pictures? Instagram has made it simple to… Continue reading How You Can Add Instagram To Your Company’s Social Media Strategy