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Don’t Overlook the Importance of Good Customer Reviews

Consumer reviews were once thought to be a novelty idea, allowing consumers the ability to express an opinion about a product or service. However, what was once a novelty is now a strong predictor as to whether or not something sells. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that 9 out 10 consumers will… Continue reading Don’t Overlook the Importance of Good Customer Reviews

Why All Small Businesses Should Have an Active Google Plus Profile

It might be easy to shrug off the importance of Google Plus for your website SEO results. If you do, though, you will be making a mistake that could really cost you in the long run. They way Google Plus works, it can be the quickest, easiest way to get your search results to the… Continue reading Why All Small Businesses Should Have an Active Google Plus Profile

Why You Should Consider Hiring a Professional SEO Company

Webmasters know that the only way you can successfully gain more market share and increase your revenues, especially if you don’t have a traditional brick and mortar business establishment is to have your company’s website listed at the top of a search engine results page for particular keywords. However, they also know how difficult it… Continue reading Why You Should Consider Hiring a Professional SEO Company

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