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The Importance Of Business Blogs For Search Engine Presence And Branding

Having a blog as a business is incredibly important. Business blogs help you build up a search engine presence and they also provide a means for you to build your brand online. Without a blog, there will be no way for your business to expand on the Internet and get the word out about your… Continue reading The Importance Of Business Blogs For Search Engine Presence And Branding

How To Leverage Question And Answer Sites For Massive SEO And Traffic Gains

As an SEO company, were constantly looking for websites in order to increase the traffic of our clients. There are very few websites out there where you can invest some time, and instantly get a return on investment. Yahoo Answers, Wiki Answers and other question and answer sites are prime examples of websites where you… Continue reading How To Leverage Question And Answer Sites For Massive SEO And Traffic Gains

Categorized as News, SEO

Google’s Ongoing Penguin Updates Could Shake Up SEO Industry

Any search engine optimization specialist should know that the Penguin updates pose a real serious risk to online businesses. With more updates on the horizon, many search engine optimization companies are scrambling to pair their website for the upcoming update. So far, it appears as if the Penguin updates are a one time, update that… Continue reading Google’s Ongoing Penguin Updates Could Shake Up SEO Industry

Categorized as SEO

Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Search Engine Marketing

With the recent rise in mobile search engine traffic, many websites are scrambling to optimize their websites for mobile search engines, and for good reason, because this traffic presents a substantial potential for profit for these companies. There are many steps that you can take optimize your website for mobile search engines, many of which… Continue reading Optimizing Your Website for Mobile Search Engine Marketing

How to Improve Your Google Maps Search Rankings

Improving your Google Maps search rankings is a great way to attract quality sales leads. Recent studies show that close to 90 percent of shoppers consider the internet an invaluable tool for finding shops and services. A good online presence thus becomes critical for business success. Why Go Local? In recent years, there has been… Continue reading How to Improve Your Google Maps Search Rankings

Local SEO – A Great Tool for Small Businesses

Local SEO techniques can be a great help to small and medium-sized businesses. Unlike regular search engine optimization, local SEO focuses more on local search listings, which potential customers will use to find businesses and services in their area. What Do You Mean By Local SEO? Local SEO refers to search engine optimization techniques specifically… Continue reading Local SEO – A Great Tool for Small Businesses

Optimizing Trends In 2012

  The year 2011 saw the reinforcement of the principle that SEO is fundamental to keep your website in getting top rankings in search engines. What did the year 2011 focus on and what will be the trends in 2012? Here is a preview. Local listing optimization Google, Yahoo, and other big names have revolutionized… Continue reading Optimizing Trends In 2012