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How To Tweak Your Local SEO Campaign For Maximum Reach

For small businesses, local advertising is the key to success. You need to engage the customers in your own backyard in order to land the sales you need to be successful, but traditional SEO techniques tend to take a more global approach. So, how do you maximize your search engine optimization efforts to ensure that… Continue reading How To Tweak Your Local SEO Campaign For Maximum Reach

How to Do Google+ Better

While you may have heard of Google+, odds are you don’t know much about it. However, when it comes to social media, Google+ is rapidly becoming a force to be reckoned with, at least in the late teens, early twenties crowd. This means that if you are in a business where reaching this demographic is… Continue reading How to Do Google+ Better

How to Maximize The Effectiveness of Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

If you post something on Facebook and nobody reads it, does it actually exist? It’s an age old question that many business owners ask as they toil away at their social media advertising campaigns. Just having a Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn account and making posts is enough to ensure that your audience members are reading… Continue reading How to Maximize The Effectiveness of Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

How to Use PPC More Effectively In Your Local SEO Campaign

Google AdWords has long been touted as one of the most cost effective ways to get the word out about your business. The idea is that your company is advertised to people who are looking for specific keywords in little boxes on any website that chooses to offers PPC ads on their websites. Your ads… Continue reading How to Use PPC More Effectively In Your Local SEO Campaign

Do You Need to Audit Your Local SEO Efforts?

Getting your business noticed is the number one goal for just about any company out there. After all, if you aren’t being noticed, you aren’t reaching new customers and you aren’t growing your bottom line. That equals stagnant and eventually equals going out of business as old customers will become no customers at some point… Continue reading Do You Need to Audit Your Local SEO Efforts?

How Important Are Citations To Your Marketing Strategy?

Local SEO covers a fairly large range of information and steps to make sure you are getting the most from online searches that could help your business. Some additional posts have talked about cleaning up your profile page for Google-My-Business as well as the same for Bing and Yahoo. There are other steps to take,… Continue reading How Important Are Citations To Your Marketing Strategy?

Why Is Local SEO and Mobile Optimization Important For Small Business?

In years past, website owners have engaged in global SEO or search engine optimization practices in order to boost visibility on the Internet and drive traffic to their websites. However, in today’s world, local searches rule, which means that your SEO strategy has to change in order to capture the attention of your target audience.… Continue reading Why Is Local SEO and Mobile Optimization Important For Small Business?

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