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Validating Marketing Tags and Pixels

Effective advertising depends on measuring and tracking data so that you know what’s working and what needs to be tweaked. Validating marketing tags and pixels is an important way to monitor key pages and to collect information about site visitors and their behavior. Tag validation means checking which tags fire and what information they are… Continue reading Validating Marketing Tags and Pixels

Tips for Generating B2B Leads Using Instagram Stories

Instagram probably isn’t the first platform that comes to mind when you think of generating B2B leads. While it might not be the most obvious choice for B2B marketing, it’s a platform that shouldn’t be overlooked. Instagram is rapidly evolving and has gone way beyond being a platform centered around photo sharing. It gives you… Continue reading Tips for Generating B2B Leads Using Instagram Stories

Target CPA and Target ROAS Being Retired by Google

The one thing you can count on when it comes to PPC advertising is that things are always changing. In February, Google announced on their developer blog that they’re retiring Target ROAS and Target CPA bidding strategies. These strategies will no longer be separate from Maximize Conversions and Maximize Conversions Bid Value but will instead… Continue reading Target CPA and Target ROAS Being Retired by Google

Planning Digital Advertising Improvements in 2021

The global pandemic of 2020 caused economic volatility all over the world and impacted businesses big and small. Businesses in every vertical faced budget cuts and difficult decisions, some of which affected digital advertising. The beginning of 2021 represents a new year and a fresh start, but the pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding it aren’t… Continue reading Planning Digital Advertising Improvements in 2021

SEO Trends and Tips for 2021

Introduction   Organic search drives more than half the visitors for both B2B and B2C websites. It’s a reliable way of bringing in targeted traffic. You may promote your business using other methods such as paid ads and social media, but SEO is still one of the best choices for marketing businesses both large and… Continue reading SEO Trends and Tips for 2021

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Should You Run PPC Brand Campaigns?

When prospects search for your brand, the search engine results page (SERP) displays both paid and organic search results. Ideally, your brand appears at the top of the organic search results for your brand name, but since paid search ads appear above organic search results, should your PPC strategy include bidding on branded terms? Bidding… Continue reading Should You Run PPC Brand Campaigns?

Layering Affinity Audiences on Google Ads Campaigns

In any Google ad campaign, one of the most important steps is making sure you’re targeting the right audience. Are you taking full advantage of Google’s curated lists? The addition of affinity audiences to Google search campaigns gives you the ability to get a better understanding of your target audience so that you can reach… Continue reading Layering Affinity Audiences on Google Ads Campaigns

Targeted Advertising on Facebook

When you’re creating a solid PPC foundation, don’t overlook the power of Facebook and Instagram advertising. Combined global users of these two platforms total more than 3.7 billion users and provide a unique opportunity to reach your audience where they’re regularly spending time.  Social media marketing is one of the most cost-effective methods of connecting… Continue reading Targeted Advertising on Facebook

Take Advantage of Instagram Changes to Branded Content Ads

Branded content ads were introduced by Instagram last year. These ads are a method for influencers to be able to identify when their posts have been sponsored by a brand or company. Until now, branded content was done by creating organic posts first, and brands could promote existing content from creators as an ad. These… Continue reading Take Advantage of Instagram Changes to Branded Content Ads

Reviewing PPC Extensions to Give Your Ads an Edge

Online advertising can be very competitive. When you’re looking for ways to give your ads an edge and have them appear above competitor’s ads, don’t overlook reviewing PPC extensions. Ad extensions can help increase visibility, ad rank, and click-through rate, and there’s no cost to add them to your campaign. Types of PPC Extensions Google… Continue reading Reviewing PPC Extensions to Give Your Ads an Edge